Chimney Tops / Clingmans Dome

Today’s adventure took us to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for a day of family hiking. We started out from the Chimney Tops trailhead just before 10am for the 1.75 mile hike up to the overlook. K and J were chipper and ready for the adventure but little did they know of the difficulty of this trail! The elevation changes approximately 1400’ between the trailhead and the overlook and much of the trail is quite steep.

The trail started up at a moderate incline and we were quickly taken aback by the beauty of the area. Shortly after we started the hike we came upon the first of four wood bridges crossing a mountain stream. These gave me the opportunity to take pictures while K and J darted to the water as most kids do! The front left pocket on my new 5.11 Tactical Fast-Tac Cargo pants provided the perfect location for my phone so I could quickly grab pictures! 

After tearing the kiddos away from the water we continued up the trail toward the overlook. Along the way we noticed much of the remnants from the Chimney Tops 2 fire in 2016 including burned tree stumps and erosion. Fortunately the park and the volunteers for the park have restored much of the access allowing us to enjoy this trail again! The trail is closed just past the overlook as the ground is still unstable. Unfortunately we did see several people going around the gate and continuing on to the rocky peaks.

In just under two hours we reached the overlook and took the opportunity to take several pictures while taking in the majestic views. We also decided to sit at the overlook for a while and have lunch before starting back down. There are several landings and steps here to with plenty of room to sit and rest.

We took in the views for about an hour before starting back down the trail. On the way back down we took plenty of time to look around the bridges and streams making sure we hadn’t missed anything along the hike up. At the last bridge we stopped for a while to enjoy the breeze and the mountain stream before returning to the car. This area allows ample opportunity for the kids to look at the various rock formations and take in the small waterfall under the bridge.

Overall I would say that this trail met the hype I’ve heard for years. Some sites list this trail as moderate while others classify it as strenuous. As a family that stays on the go outdoors I would say it would be more on the moderate side but it’s definitely not for the beginning hiker or someone out of shape. K had more complaints going up and J had more going down……because they can NEVER agree as siblings! Regardless of the time of year be sure you have plenty of water and watch your steps as you go up. During the fall the leaves can prove quite slippery. Take your time and enjoy the views from the top!

When we finished the Chimney Tops trail we decided there was still light in the day and we had some energy left in us so we decided to head on up to Clingmans Dome. This is the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park at 6,643 feet and is closed from December 1 – March 31 each year based on weather conditions. I will caution that if it is during the color change of the leaves or on a nice weekend you will have a struggle to find parking as this is a VERY popular destination.

After finding parking you will find restrooms, expansive views and a store for souvenirs! During this visit the store was window shopping only by card. No cash or perusing due to the virus.

Just past the store is a wide concrete trail leading approximately half a mile up to the lookout tower at the peak. Although it is a short hike it is a solid, steep upward incline. Don’t underestimate the effort this short stretch takes……remember we just hiked Chimney Tops!

Along the hike to the observation tower we crossed the Appalachian Trail at it’s highest point. We’ve been on portions of the trail at many points in the past but couldn’t pass up the opportunity take a stroll here…..and maybe make note of a future hike!

Finishing this jaunt completed our day of adventure but left lasting memories as most of our trips do. We were blessed with beautiful weather and clear views! Leave us a comment below and tell us your experiences if you’ve been here and don’t forget to subscribe to stay up on future adventures.


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Hunting Island, South Carolina